lets get started !

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important information !

all important information will go here such as the rules and other various important threads. make sure you read through them all before you even apply, and maybe even check back after you're accepted to get a refresher on the rules.

by kyle burns
May 16, 2009 14:08:00 GMT -8
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application process !

this is where you will find the application and the band list, as well as where you'll post your applications. remember, do not post applications that aren't finished, even if they have WIP in the name! they'll be deleted.

Sub-board: pending applications !

6 6 Way, Nicole
by Nicole Way
Jun 15, 2009 14:49:41 GMT -8
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accepted applications !

the database of applications is held here. as soon as you've been accepted, your application will be moved here -- remember to fill out claims when you see that you've been approved!

29 60 PARKER, wixom
by kyle burns
May 22, 2009 17:29:03 GMT -8
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claims !

all claims are held here. remember, first come, first serve -- if you wish to reserve something, post here first. also, remember that you must post here after you've been accepted to avoid any confusion.

by wixom parker
May 22, 2009 18:02:47 GMT -8
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thread graveyard !

inactive, complete, or dead threads will be moved here. feel free to look through them when you're bored or reminiscing. if we've moved an active thread here by mistake, tell us and we'll move it back!

59 539 Breaking Benjamin Concert Dates
by BreakFab
May 30, 2019 17:04:21 GMT -8
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staff board !

only staff members are allowed to see this board. don't worry, it's nothing too interesting, mostly random site info and messages back and forth. don't feel too left out. (;

2 2

communication !

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mobile phones !

everyone has a cell phone -- it seems especially crucial while on tour. getting in touch with band mates, crew members, and friends is quite important.

Sub-boards: kyle's phone !, john's phone !, alex's phone !, jack's phone !, lily's Phone !, ryssa's phone!, william's phone !, zhien's phone !, ainsley's phone !

14 20 the cellular,,
by ainsley ireland laverte
May 13, 2009 1:18:42 GMT -8
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instant messaging !

nearly everyone on tour has a laptop, and instant messaging is a great way to get ahold of people without having to give out personal information. aim, yahoo, msn, you name it -- all located here.

1 1 waking up in vegas ?!
by ainsley ireland laverte
May 13, 2009 0:12:55 GMT -8
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blogs !

tour blogs are the easiest way to keep up with what your favorite bands are doing. usually these posts are filled with random thoughts, pictures, and overall funny things, so be sure to read them!

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reviews !

all journalist reviews will be posted here. most journalists are extremely opinionated and have a lot to say, so listen up and stay on their good sides.

Sub-boards: Chronicles of Chaos Magazine !, gossip articles !

2 5 voting for Edition 2!!
by kaiden andrews
Apr 19, 2009 18:37:57 GMT -8
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plot planners !

we all like to plot. here, you can post a page to request them -- but make sure you actually thread things out! remember, roleplaying is more important than plotting.

by kennedy brock
May 26, 2009 13:42:40 GMT -8

the stages !

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main stage left !

the more famous bands of the tour get to play on this stage. usually they're the ones that draw the biggest crowds and require the most amount of space.

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main stage right !

right next to main stage left, this stage is also home to the biggest bands on warped. also, seniority rules on these two stages -- if you've been on the tour for numerous years, you'll most likely get to play here.

1 1 i'm a weapon of mass destruction!?! ``open
by maria clark
May 11, 2009 12:55:04 GMT -8
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the hurley stage !

this stage is usually home to the newer bands that draw a bigger crowd. usually bands that play on hurley stage one year will play a main stage the next.

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the smartpunk stage !

the smartpunk stage is generally for the bands that are predicted to make it big real soon. usually bands who play here this year usually go on to play bigger stages the next.

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the ernie ball stage !

this stage is mainly for the bands who are new to touring, and just learning the ropes. sometimes local bands get to play on this stage as well.

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the hot topic/kevin says stage !

named after one of warped tour's biggest sponsors and the founder of warped tour, this stage is for the newest bands and local bands who show up to help out, and then get to play a 15 to 30 minute set.

1 1 |open| let there be light...
by stephjo
May 11, 2009 10:05:06 GMT -8

the grounds !

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merch booths !

all of the merchandise is sold here. when band members show up at the merch booths to talk to fans, it gives them a lot of good publicity, so do it often if you want to get more fans.

1 7 i bet you didn't expect that,
by olivia gardner
May 13, 2009 15:17:43 GMT -8
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signing tents !

there are special tents where certain bands are scheduled to sign things for fans on certain dates. don't disappoint them by not showing up, because an angry fan is a bad fan.

0 0 No posts have been made on this board.
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the food tent !

this food tent is reserved for band members and crew, so that you can get a bite to eat without having to deal with fans. watch out, the food isn't that much better here.

1 2 Just A Bite To Eat
by alex gaskarth
May 21, 2009 13:02:10 GMT -8
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the beer tent !

if you're a band member, there's pretty much no way for you to get away with buying alcohol here if you're under 21. for crew and friends, however, it's much easier.

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tour buses !

the buses are home to all band and crew members for the next few months. they aren't the greatest buses, but it's better than nothing.

Sub-boards: 3OH!3's bus !, all time low's bus !, escape the fate's bus !, forever the sickest kids's bus !, the maine's bus !

3 9 you've got me poppin champagne,,
by ainsley ireland laverte
May 17, 2009 8:59:32 GMT -8

around town !

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bars !

all bars are, of course, twenty one and up. if you have a killer fake id, you might be able to get in. lots of crew like to come out and drink if they have an extra day at a location.

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clubs !

if you haven't had enough music for one day, feel free to come out to different clubs at night to have some fun.

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restaurants !

the food tents aren't that great, so if you have a few extra bucks laying around, you might want to get something to eat in town.

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shopping centers !

the only time you can buy any food or clothes that doesn't have a band logo on it is when you're in town, so take advantage of the stores around while you can.

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hotels !

when you have a few extra days in one spot, you might as well stay in a real bed for once. some of them are expensive, but the price is worth it.

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beaches and parks !

sometimes, you need to just get away from it all, and if you aren't tired of the sun, the beach is a great place to do just that.

by lily dawson
May 14, 2009 13:34:53 GMT -8
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everywhere else !

if you need to go somewhere else in town, here's where you find it.

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out of character !

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past and future !

if you can't wait to roleplay something out, or if you really want to thread something that happened in the past, this is where you do it!

only in character posts are allowed here.

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out of character chat !

you can come here to talk about anything and everything, all out of character.

12 61 VACATION?!
by ainsley ireland laverte
May 25, 2009 22:58:04 GMT -8
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introduce yourself !

you can come here to talk about yourself and your interests. don't worry, this board is viewable by members only.

10 34
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graphics !

if you need graphic help, or just want to show off your skills, post here. you can offer help or request things as well.

Sub-board: graphics galleries !

5 30 Chloe makes stuff!!
by kyle burns
May 21, 2009 13:19:08 GMT -8
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games !

come here to play all sorts of in character games. the post count is disabled here, so don't think that posting here will up your count! (;

by lily dawson
May 16, 2009 18:12:51 GMT -8
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advertisting and affiliation !

make sure you post in the appropriate thread. proboards and invisionfree only please! 100% guest friendly.

Sub-boards: first time posting !, linking back !

by Josie
Jan 16, 2011 20:45:04 GMT -8


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